internet marketing

Profit with Google Adwords, otherwise known as PPC or Pay-per-click advertising, is not automatic. Campaigns with incorrect settings and haphazard management don’t maximize profit at best, and lose money at worst. For every well run account, there’s a business using Adwords the wrong way, losing money, and spreading the word that PPC doesn’t work.
It is important to be listed on most, if not all, local review sites. Not only does it increase your chances of someone reading a review and then becoming a customer, the more link backs to your website will raise your organic ranking in Google. Here are some ways to not only get more ratings and high customer ratings, but ideas on how to increase the exposure of your positive ratings.
Infographics do more than tell information. They tell a visual story. More precisely, they tell the point of the story. They’ve earned a growing reputation for an ability to relay information that engages a target audience.

Marketing has Changed

Consumers (and purchasing managers) of 20 years ago were targeted with television ads, billboards and direct mail offers. Those don’t work nearly as well as they did then, so rather than try to interrupt prospects, smart businesses now use techniques that attract attention.
Once you've done these 6 Online Marketing Tactics and you are ready to increase your online presence, here are a few additional recommendations:

1. Think in multimedia.

Through video, photos and audio, a small business can provide excellent online marketing opportunities that will continue to create brand awareness in your audience. Once you create good multimedia content, distribute and leverage it across your many social networks.

2. Use Video.

A tour of your store/facility can make an easy video subject. You can post the video to your Facebook page through YouTube or Vimeo. YouTube  has analytics tools for their users so you can evaluate the effectiveness of your video content. Twitter can help you send the link to your followers.
Many of our clients ask about how to get visitors to their websites. So in the next few blog articles, we're going to talk a little about some of the different ways you can start driving online traffic to your website and get more visitors. We will assume you have a nicely designed and user-friendly website and now all you need is to start generating traffic to it. When it comes to driving eyeballs to the site, there are numerous ways to do this -- some free and some not.  Whether or not you decide to pay for traffic or hunt down free traffic is a decision you will have to make and may also depend on what kind of budget you have.
It is important to have your website “spider-friendly.” Your site needs to make it easy for the search engine spiders to find you, categorize you and then raise your organic search engine ranking. That first Google page gets more eyes looking at it than any other. Here are a few things to do to help ensure your company appears on the first page whenever a potential customer uses a search engine.
Below is our high-level strategic road map for online marketing. In the first column, the stages explain the level of involvement with the customer. With Brand Awareness, we start by simply making people aware of the company name and its products. In the Monologue stage, we establish an online voice. As we continue down through Engagement and Conversation, we start to involve current and potential customers in an online dialogue. Once we reach the Create Advocates stage, we have created an intimate relationship with customers who are now evangelizing your message to their social networks.
Today’s consumers are very skeptical, and online marketing can help build a credible reputation for your company. People feel a closer connection to products or services when they know and like the people behind the brands. Here are 6 simple steps to get out there, build genuine relationships and let your contagious passion shine through: